Baton Rouge RC Club Newsletter – Mar 2005

PRESIDENT – Bob McMillan
VICE PRESIDENT – Charlie Dedon
SECRETARY – Willard Beard
EDITOR – Jimmy Lyon – Tel. (225) 753-4637 ([email protected])

NOTICE – The next meeting of the BR RC Club will be Tuesday, Mar. 1st at the Greenwell Springs Road Library at 7:00 PM

The time has come and gone when your 2005 Club dues should have been paid! 11 (20%) of last year's Senior Members have not yet paid-up, and are considered delinquent. You know who you are! To maintain continuity of your membership, bring your check (or cash) for $75 and your 2005 AMA card to the March 1st meeting. Or, mail your check and a Xerox copy of your AMA card to B.C. Kistler, 1486 Havenwood Dr., Baton Rouge, LA 70815-6738. Your payment must be received by March 10th, or you will be dropped from the Club roster, and you will lose your flying privileges at the field. Please don't let this happen - the Club needs you. Ours' is a great hobby with a lot of great people doing it. Don't be a dropout and miss out on all the fun and friendship. Get your check in the mail TODAY!!  This NOTICE is being given in accordance with Article 8.6 of the Club bylaws.
President Bob McMillan called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.

Bob asked the Secretary to read the minutes from our January meeting.  They were read and accepted as read by the members present.

Bob then asked the Treasurer to give us a report on our current financial situation.  He reported that we have, as of this date, 38 paid, 7 dues waved, 1 absentee, 4 family and 2 life members for a total of 52.  He stated that we have several 2004 members that have not yet paid their dues for 2005.  He read a list of these people and various members agreed to contact them to see if they want to remain members.  We sure hope they do.

Blackie was asked for a field committee report.  He said the grass was growing and there were still no signs of fire ants or grub worms.  The field is too wet to mow at present but will be mowed as soon as it dries out enough.

Mike Goetzman was asked for a safety report.  He stated gladly that he did not have anything to report.


Bob stated that someone had contacted AMA and they advised that we could have as many intro pilots as we wanted.

The event committee was asked for a report on their last meeting.  They handed out a listing of a total of 5 events planned for 2005 with a budget totaling $950 for all of these events.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the recommendations of the events committee as listed.  It was approved by all members present.   The events listed are:

March 19 Family Day
April 16 Cub Day
May 14 Big Bird
September 10 Sport Scale
October 22 Family Day


B.C. announced that we have 4 applications for membership to consider.  Two are new applicants and two are retreads.  The new members are Blain Austin and Mike Stewart.  The retreads are Thomas Golson and Mel Douglas.  The membership present approved all 4 to join us in this wonderful hobby.  Welcome guys.

We received a letter from the EBR Library inviting us to attend a meeting to discuss the location of the new EBR Main Library.  If anyone is interested in attending, the letter is available for them to gain the details.

B. C. presented a proposed budget for 2005.  He passed out copies for review and discussion.  A motion to adopt the budget as presented was approved by all members present.

Rob brought a bunch of 6” metal rulers that he offered to anyone who wanted one.  These are great to use when building models.  Many thanks Rob.

A motion was proposed and approved by all members present that we should send an invoice for club dues to all members of the club in December of each year with a self addressed envelope.  This motion was approved by all members present.  Pat Beard voluntered to handle this task for us.

Mike gave us an update on our upcoming Big Bird.  He said the paperwork has been sent to AMA and they should respond within the next couple of weeks.  He said that we need to make sure we have at least 3 inspectors to handle the inspection of all planes prior to flight.  Mike also said that we need to start soliciting and collecting door prizes; everyone’s help is requested for this.  Mike will ask for volunteers for the various duties that need to be filled at our next meeting.

Someone suggested that we use a checklist for the plane inspections and have the pilots fill them out.  This would eliminate the need for us to furnish inspectors.  It was decided that we should contact AMA and see if they approve of this practice.

A motion was made to adjourn at 7:45 PM and the meeting was adjourned.